Inside a dev's mind - Refactoring and debugging a React test

May 04, 2020

You may know this already: testing is an integral part of the skillset of every professional developer. Many job listings require at least basic testing skills from applicants. But testing a frontend can be particularly tough. You don't know whether you should focus on unit, integration, or e2e…

Inside a dev's mind - How do you plan a UI feature?

Apr 18, 2020

When developing a new feature many of us developers tend to jump into it via programming instead of planning the architecture out first. It may seem easier to start programming. But this often ruins us. We take the wrong approach and don't realize it until we've wasted too much time trying to…

Junior to Senior - Refactoring a dynamic multi-input component

Apr 03, 2020

This post is part of a series about refactoring React components Building forms in React can be difficult. Especially, when you need to add inputs dynamically. So it's no wonder when inexperienced developers create a mess, the famous spaghetti code. In this blog post, we refactor a dynamic multi…

React debugging session - Why is this function called hundreds of times?

Mar 27, 2020

Every developer knows this situation: You're writing your code, hammering your keyboard all day long. Your code seems to work. Until it doesn't. Either it's not working as expected at all or only in some situations. You try to find the problem. You have a close look at the code. But nothing seems…

Junior to Senior - Refactoring a React pan and zoom image component

Nov 07, 2019

This post is part of a series about refactoring React components The goal of this article is to help software developers write high-quality code. Even good, experienced engineers often have trouble with code-readability or don't emphasize it. At least this is what I experience almost whenever I jump…